Friday, March 30, 2012

Eden's First Big Girl Food!

Eden was a rock star sleeper her first few months of life but the last 2 months have been rough.  In an effort to try something that might help her sleep more we decided to start her on solid foods last night!  Not sure it really made a difference...she probably ate 2 Tbsp but still woke up at 1am just to say hi and get some soothing and then 4am to eat and 6am to play.  Oh well...even though our days of good sleep are long gone she is worth it!

After researching we decided to opt out of the traditional white rice cereal because once processed it is primarily sugar and that is not what I wanted Eden's first food to be.  So we made our own, organic long grain brown rice pureed into a powder, mixed with water and breast milk.  I tried a little and it wasn't awful....hmmmm...i might be  lying a little!  Overall she really did pretty good with it.  Towards the end she got fussy and I think it was entertaining Brian so he took more pics of that part.  
Who needs real food, this bib tastes great!

First bite!

Mom...seriously let me hold the spoon...I don't need your help.

Going down hill....


And I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. These are some great pics!!! I will def have to talk with you once we are to the cereal stage. I was already thinking of forgoing rice cereal b/c it's so processed. I am interested in how you made your brown rice for her!
