Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thank you Dr. Buckman and Garry Ezzo

I shouldn't be writing this because I am probably going to jinx it!  Dr. Bucknam and Garry Ezzo wrote the book Baby Wise.  When we found out we were pregnant of course we developed a plan...for those of you who know me you know I need to have a plan for everything!  After the success my brother and sister-in-law had using the Baby Wise principals with our nephew Peyton we decided to follow the plan.  Baby Wise basically promotes getting your baby on a schedule using parent directed feeding principals and your baby will be sleeping through the night (7-8 hours) by 7-8 weeks.  Well....Eden was 6 weeks old yesterday and last night she went down at 10:30pm and at 4am I still hadn't heard anything from her.  The past 3 nights she had been up between 3 and 3:30am so I had to go in and check on her.  She was still out like a light!  Five and a half hours...I think we are well on our way to 7-8 hours in the next few weeks.  The hard work of scheduling her is paying off!


  1. WOOT WOOT!!!!! Way to go Eden!!!! So glad it's working for you guys!!!! It always seems that just when you want to give up it starts working!

  2. YAY! Congrats, and goodluck to a full nights sleep!!

  3. What are the basics of the method? We need help...Dylan is up every two hours to eat!!

  4. Hey Janet! Basics are working to get her on a 2.5 to 3.5 hour feeding schedule. Key being during the day the schedule is feed, wake time then sleep time. At her late night feeding and during the night you feed and then just put her down but don't nurse her to sleep if u can help it. It was a lot of work the first few weeks because all she wanted to do was sleep and she wanted to eat more often but she would just had to work really hard at getting full feedings in. The book is a quick read...not like you have the time! I understand why Candace is so busy now...can't imagine 3 right now!

  5. Thanks. Maybe I'll have to give it a try soon. I can't function on this little of sleep with everything going on! I don't remember it with the other two...but I think I have just blocked it out of my memory! :) Glad to see you are doing well and enjoying the little nugget! Hope you get to see some family around the holidays.
